The Friday squad Robina and Adrian and guess who set to depart.
Trying out walking poles for the first time.
After thinking that the pain in my shins could possibly mean the end of my adventure I have had 2 really encouraging days walking. The pain has almost gone - due to a combination of a lower daily mileage and walking a little more slowly, and taking longer breaks. I have also used walking poles for the first time on Norman's advice.
Yesterday I had a pleasant surprise when support driver Shayne parked the car at Lichfield railway station and said that he would walk with me a short way. This turned out to be about 5 miles into the Staffordshire countryside, which meant that he then had to walk back to Lichfield as he couldn't find a taxi! Thanks very much Shayne it was a good start to the day. Whilst walking we met a farmer, Jim Holcom, who asked us how far we were walking, and bearing in mind that Shayne was wearing his civvies rather than walking gear, he could not believe it when Shayne told him that I was walking to J O'G. It was not until I gave him one of my business cards with the British Heart Foundation logo etc that he knew that we were serious.
It seems as though everyone is walking LE to J O'G - in the pub last night the landlord said that I was the 4th person doing the walk in the last 3 weeks to have had a drink in the pub. You may remember the farmer who a few days ago said that an End to Ender had passed through his farm.
Today I walked with our latest hosts Adrian and Robina Seabridge - covering 15 to 16 miles to Alton (yes where the theme park is). Adrian in particular was a great help as he loves navigating and as we were using paths a lot of the day he undoubtedly saved me getting lost. Him carrying the map also gave me chance to master the art of walking with the poles.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants yesterday emailed a link to this blog to all members in the West Midlands. I may therefore have a new readership. Welcome to anyone who is new to the blog - I hope that you enjoy it.
I have now done 367 miles which means that I now have less than 600 to do! You may think this is still a lot but 578 sounds a lot less than 600 to me. Tomorrow I am walking on my own for the first time for a week. I am heading towards Congleton and hope to get about 7 miles south of it tomorrow.
Unexpectedly I chalked up another county today. I had not realised that I would enter Derbyshire which I did for a few miles today. That makes a total of 10 counties now ( try and count them up - there will be a test at the end!).
The KBW's for the last 2 days (for any newcomers KBW which stands for Keiths Big Walk is like an honours system or the oscars) are:-
Shayne - For transport services and walking beyond the call of duty
Peter and Sue - Great hosts at the meal last night
Adrian - Special award as Pathfinder General as well as walking services
Robina - Walking services and shielding me from electric fences to the extent of receiving an electric shock herself.
Adrian and Robina - Wonderful hosts for 2 nights
"Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance" - Author unknown