Friday, 12 March 2010

Eight weeks to go !

The start date of 5 May is quickly approaching ! From Wednesday 5 May I will make a posting to this site each day so that you will be able to follow my progress. In the meantime my justgiving page is open if you would like to make a donation to the British Heart Foundation - this can be found at by entering "Keith Lindsay" in the "sponsor a friend" box. If you prefer please send me a cheque made payable to "British Heart Foundation"
All the best. Keith


  1. Wishing you fair weather, the wind at your back and an absence of blisters :)

    Looking forward to waving you off!

    Love Second Youngest Cuz xx

  2. Still think you are mad. Good Luck, see you when you hit the Midlands and hopefully when you finish at John O'Groats.

  3. On your mark, get set....GO !!!! Happy trails to you. Will be following your blog regularly--don't get distracted by any wayward ptarmigans!
    From Eyjafjallajokull II
